Today is an important day for every artist, around the world!
Since only recently , the dream of every artist can become a reality.
Yes, at this very moment every artist in the world can finally acquire INTERNATIONAL RENOWN !.
Today, a new concept has emerged. This is an artistic movement based on sharing , generosity, and mutual aid.
This new concept , UNIQUE, NEW, and TOTALLY FREE , is named FAMA .
F.A.M.A. stands for FREE ARTIST MUTUAL AID. FAMA translated from Latin means "CELEBRITY " . Because the sole purpose of FAMA is to help each and every artist around the world to achieve the maximum exposure and potential, they can also expect the due recognition for their hard-earned talents.
In fact, FAMA is a place where artists help other artists, without any other consideration to be helped in return, because it's all about helping one another!
You could say that FAMA is a kind of worldwide fraternity of artists uniting their strengths for the benefit of all.
FAMA has been designed by artists, who like you, have lived all these doubts , all these joys, but also the immense disappointments that mark the life of an artist. This is why FAMA is perfectly suited to the needs of the artist , and can bring you the opportunity to change the course of your life.
But beware , FAMA is not another website proposing to sell your work online.
Everybody knows that never worked !
This is not one those new online artists books, in which your work is included ,...except for a "tiny" fee,...meaning a few thousand dollars a year.
You are intrigued ?
Want to know more? Okay, then I'll explain .
FAMA is a bit inspired by the holiday apartment exchange program.
It sounds strange , I know!
That's how it works :
On FAMA's website, you will find listings of artists who will have a future exhibition and want to share this show with you. Without any other consideration you will share your next show with them, in return.
“ But if you have no exhibit scheduled , can you use FAMA ?”
NO PROBLEM , do not worry ! FAMA will give you all the information you need to help you find a gallery or a venue to hold an exhibition in your area . In addition , FAMA will regularly publish information to share our experiences with you. So you can learn how to create and promote your own successful show, for a minimal budget. As well as how to increase your local exposure and be followed by the local medias ... etc, etc. .
So, you will start to build your reputation as an artist and you can in addition invite other artists to participate in your exhibitions,...and they can do the same for you.
Thanks to FAMA , we get a " SNOWBALL EFFECT " !
Your local exhibition gives the opportunity to show your art everywhere on the planet.
Also,... if you can't afford to travel to another country, no problem!
You can organize the shipment of some of your art to the gallery, or another member.
Fama will explain how to set this up safely.
FAMA is also working to establish an " Artist exchange program " among art galleries around the world. Even the "smallest" galleries will enjoy it. So, if you have regular exhibits in a gallery, or are a member of a gallery, or an artists co-op , your gallery could liaise with other galleries around the world to invite foreign guest artists Thus, the galleries will boost their business and sales by offering ever more original and varied exhibitions. And of course you as artists will benefit from these exchanges.
In addition FAMA offers an online magazine , in which YOU can publish articles about your experiences , your doubts, your rants , your future exhibitions, or anything that is important to you and to the community of artists.
With this magazine you can also enrich your knowledge through the experiences of other artists.
In FAMA's website, each member can create a presentation page with a biography and photos of their work. Thus, all other members can find you, discover your work , as well as leave comments and reviews.
FAMA also works to create, with your help, future major international art events , in which all members can participate.
FAMA will even intervene, with your help also, in humanitarian and environmental causes. So the more members in the community, the greater the power. And at the same time, your exposure will become more and more important.
Have you imagined that one day your art could help stop injustices or help those who suffer ?
Moreover, as FAMA was created by artists with international recognition and therefore connections with the media (TV , Newspapers , Radio ... ) , FAMA will seek to use these connections to provide maximum visibility to all its members.
Finally, FAMA will organize international art contests, for which the first prize will be a solo exhibition in a wellknown art gallery.
At FAMA , we have dozens of other incredible projects already under consideration to offer you,... and we'll be introducing them very soon..
So, FAMA is a free tool offered to you.
And of course, like any tool , it is not the fact of owning it that will bring you any benefit, but only the fact you will use it, and the way you will use it.
So do not hesitate!
Become a member of FAMA , and go visit galleries, the mayor of your city, business owners ... and start planning your future exhibitions, and in return, some international exchanges with other members.
The more you use FAMA, the more you reap the benefits !
Now, I introduce myself : I'm Stéphane Cellier , founder of FAMA , but also international artist living in the U.S. I wanted to be the first to offer you several sharing offers of my future exhibitions. So come discover them and feel free to make me an offer . And of course, very often, I'll post new offers.
Finally , I am pleased to announce that FAMA and LIBERTY FINE ART GALLERY, (one of the very few renowned and dynamic galleries in Reno, Nevada).. team up every month to offer places to international artists to show their art. Visit our website to discover the first offers.
This is only the beginning !
So, FAMA is my gift to you, my artist friends who contribute every day with your work to make the world a little more beautiful and endurable . I hope you'll enjoy it, and you'll use it without restraint,...because I designed it to give you a path to your dreams.
We only have one life and it is very short , so go for it!
Now it 's your turn. FAMA's website is ready to use and is waiting for you to use it. Please, take the time to try it, keep it alive and make it even more useful for you.
To discover FAMA and become a member of this fraternity of like-minded artists,
you simply need to go visit the website :
and register , it's free!
Welcome !
If you have any questions, doubts , or just a small message, don't hesitate to contact me .
Stéphane Cellier
Founder of F.A.M.A.
Since only recently , the dream of every artist can become a reality.
Yes, at this very moment every artist in the world can finally acquire INTERNATIONAL RENOWN !.
Today, a new concept has emerged. This is an artistic movement based on sharing , generosity, and mutual aid.
This new concept , UNIQUE, NEW, and TOTALLY FREE , is named FAMA .
F.A.M.A. stands for FREE ARTIST MUTUAL AID. FAMA translated from Latin means "CELEBRITY " . Because the sole purpose of FAMA is to help each and every artist around the world to achieve the maximum exposure and potential, they can also expect the due recognition for their hard-earned talents.
In fact, FAMA is a place where artists help other artists, without any other consideration to be helped in return, because it's all about helping one another!
You could say that FAMA is a kind of worldwide fraternity of artists uniting their strengths for the benefit of all.
FAMA has been designed by artists, who like you, have lived all these doubts , all these joys, but also the immense disappointments that mark the life of an artist. This is why FAMA is perfectly suited to the needs of the artist , and can bring you the opportunity to change the course of your life.
But beware , FAMA is not another website proposing to sell your work online.
Everybody knows that never worked !
This is not one those new online artists books, in which your work is included ,...except for a "tiny" fee,...meaning a few thousand dollars a year.
You are intrigued ?
Want to know more? Okay, then I'll explain .
FAMA is a bit inspired by the holiday apartment exchange program.
It sounds strange , I know!
That's how it works :
On FAMA's website, you will find listings of artists who will have a future exhibition and want to share this show with you. Without any other consideration you will share your next show with them, in return.
“ But if you have no exhibit scheduled , can you use FAMA ?”
NO PROBLEM , do not worry ! FAMA will give you all the information you need to help you find a gallery or a venue to hold an exhibition in your area . In addition , FAMA will regularly publish information to share our experiences with you. So you can learn how to create and promote your own successful show, for a minimal budget. As well as how to increase your local exposure and be followed by the local medias ... etc, etc. .
So, you will start to build your reputation as an artist and you can in addition invite other artists to participate in your exhibitions,...and they can do the same for you.
Thanks to FAMA , we get a " SNOWBALL EFFECT " !
Your local exhibition gives the opportunity to show your art everywhere on the planet.
Also,... if you can't afford to travel to another country, no problem!
You can organize the shipment of some of your art to the gallery, or another member.
Fama will explain how to set this up safely.
FAMA is also working to establish an " Artist exchange program " among art galleries around the world. Even the "smallest" galleries will enjoy it. So, if you have regular exhibits in a gallery, or are a member of a gallery, or an artists co-op , your gallery could liaise with other galleries around the world to invite foreign guest artists Thus, the galleries will boost their business and sales by offering ever more original and varied exhibitions. And of course you as artists will benefit from these exchanges.
In addition FAMA offers an online magazine , in which YOU can publish articles about your experiences , your doubts, your rants , your future exhibitions, or anything that is important to you and to the community of artists.
With this magazine you can also enrich your knowledge through the experiences of other artists.
In FAMA's website, each member can create a presentation page with a biography and photos of their work. Thus, all other members can find you, discover your work , as well as leave comments and reviews.
FAMA also works to create, with your help, future major international art events , in which all members can participate.
FAMA will even intervene, with your help also, in humanitarian and environmental causes. So the more members in the community, the greater the power. And at the same time, your exposure will become more and more important.
Have you imagined that one day your art could help stop injustices or help those who suffer ?
Moreover, as FAMA was created by artists with international recognition and therefore connections with the media (TV , Newspapers , Radio ... ) , FAMA will seek to use these connections to provide maximum visibility to all its members.
Finally, FAMA will organize international art contests, for which the first prize will be a solo exhibition in a wellknown art gallery.
At FAMA , we have dozens of other incredible projects already under consideration to offer you,... and we'll be introducing them very soon..
So, FAMA is a free tool offered to you.
And of course, like any tool , it is not the fact of owning it that will bring you any benefit, but only the fact you will use it, and the way you will use it.
So do not hesitate!
Become a member of FAMA , and go visit galleries, the mayor of your city, business owners ... and start planning your future exhibitions, and in return, some international exchanges with other members.
The more you use FAMA, the more you reap the benefits !
Now, I introduce myself : I'm Stéphane Cellier , founder of FAMA , but also international artist living in the U.S. I wanted to be the first to offer you several sharing offers of my future exhibitions. So come discover them and feel free to make me an offer . And of course, very often, I'll post new offers.
Finally , I am pleased to announce that FAMA and LIBERTY FINE ART GALLERY, (one of the very few renowned and dynamic galleries in Reno, Nevada).. team up every month to offer places to international artists to show their art. Visit our website to discover the first offers.
This is only the beginning !
So, FAMA is my gift to you, my artist friends who contribute every day with your work to make the world a little more beautiful and endurable . I hope you'll enjoy it, and you'll use it without restraint,...because I designed it to give you a path to your dreams.
We only have one life and it is very short , so go for it!
Now it 's your turn. FAMA's website is ready to use and is waiting for you to use it. Please, take the time to try it, keep it alive and make it even more useful for you.
To discover FAMA and become a member of this fraternity of like-minded artists,
you simply need to go visit the website :
and register , it's free!
Welcome !
If you have any questions, doubts , or just a small message, don't hesitate to contact me .
Stéphane Cellier
Founder of F.A.M.A.